Friday, September 21, 2007

Happy PDC 5th Anniversary

This week the office (called PDC) celebrates 5yrs of being in Taipei. We had this pretty glam dinner where the food was so-so, then everyone got so drunk. I stayed sober - remarkable record considering I'm such a teetoller. Guess I don't feel that comfortable with my colleagues yet.

The very next day we had a teambuilding event which involved 10 games (mostly of the silly run-around screaming juvenile sort). It was held at the Nangang Sports Hall which also had a rockwall in their hall, so naturally rockclimbing is 1 of the 10. They found out I climb rock so I most gracious (inwardly I was thanking God) to be Game 3 - rockclimbing, game marshall. Plus I tried out the wall 1st before everyone got there, hey someone has to ensure it's safe! Then I stayed back after everyone left to boulder on my own. So yeah, it was a good day.

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woohoo said...
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