Tuesday, December 29, 2009

On 2009... and 2010

I should be happier this time of year - usually I am. But this year around, a couple of issues weigh heavy, and I just can't shake it off.

The church teaches that I should do these 3 as year end reflection :
1. give thanks for all the blessings you've had this year
2. say sorry for all the wrongs you've done
3. how else can you provide more, give of more.

So here goes.

Blessings of the year
- travel. I got to do quite a few interesting trips this year : from Jade mountain to diving Palua (twice!), got to see a lot more of Taiwan (from Tainan to far flung islands of Jinmen and Lanyu), the Angkor Wats are just fantastic.
- family. It's heartwarming especially now that my mom is much nicer to me, my brothers are fantastic and Michelle pokes me on FB daily (I love her!)
- work. I should be grateful that job wise, there is much less pressure compared to what I've endured.
- people. It's been an awfully lonely year. I wished there was more I could say in this department, especially with regards to marriage. Sigh. But still for few who stuck around, thank you all.

1. I feel my greatest weakness is people. Re-reading my last year's new year resolutions, I realize I did not make much headway on my relationships with people. Often my arrogance, being so full of myself, I tend to act and then regret. For those whom I have not been nice to, my heartfelt apologies.

2. Discipline. This has totally gone to the dogs.

Looking into 2010, guess the work is pretty much cut out for me. Pretty much the same as my 2009 resolutions, it will remain simplistically 2-fold :
1. love as Jesus commanded us to
2. discipline, discipline, discipline.

And to everyone out there reading this, I wish you a much joy filled christmas and a kicking start to 2010 full of hope!

1 comment:

Zi said...

revamp ur blog for 2010!!