Monday, March 14, 2011

Diving Similan Islands on the MV Black Manta

I've heard of the Similans years ago and about manta ray encounters.  So really I've been looking forward to this dive trip for a long while.

Similans on Black Manta was a really good trip.  I correct myself, the best dive I've ever had.  That dive where there was an octopus at my feet, changing colors and then I choose to abandon it because the manta ray was about to swoop over my head again. Video of Octopus   Yes, it just circled us in huge circles over and over again.  The entire dive, all 45 mins. We were warned to approach the manta, to let it come to you & it did, over and over again, for all of the 45mins.  Awesome!  While it was not my first sighting of manta ray, it is the closest and best view I've ever gotten (possibly, ever will get again!).

The next day, we got our leopard shark sighting, it was almost 2m long.  I had enough time to squeeze at least 4 or 5 shots before some idiot came in too close and scared it off. 

After that, our greed quotient went up & we were hankering for whale shark sighting.  But no, we were already very blessed.

Last dive of the trip was a scary experience for me. Visibility was perhaps 5m max - it was murky.  I descended with everyone, got to 18m, at Boonsung Wreck, near Koh Bon.  By the wreck, I glimpse a huge puffer and squeezed off 2 shots.  In that 3secs, I lost sight of everyone. I had mentally taken a directional bearing before I stopped but I guessed the group moved forward away from the wreck towards sandy bottom.  In any case, I saw no bubbles & no one save for me beside the wreck.  I freaked.  Made for the surface without safety stop.   Sheer panic.  Fortunately for me it was a quiet dive spot, no other boats around and I popped up right by the side of our boat.  The boat crew saw me, threw me a line and hauled me in.  Mental note to self - 1. stay close to group when vis is bad, no fish photo is worth the panic! And 2. I need to start noting direction using the compass, be prepared to navigate myself back if necessary.

The only negative I had of the trip was the quality of the dive guides.  Dive guide lost me twice.  The earlier time I infiltrated another group, and somewhere in between, found the group back myself.  On another dusk dive where we emerged in the dark, I had freaked out during safety stop when Philip didn't show up.  Tak Gee using hand signals said Philip had gone up by the mooring line.  Dive guide didn't care or notice someone's missing.  Terrible.  We had complained but it still happened.

Rest of Similans LOB dive photos here
Video done up by Tak Gee (compliation of all our photos including mine)
Video using a HD videocam by Wing from HK

Everything else was perfect.  From the weather to the really fantastic Thai crew.  They were incredibly considerate, they'd even stick your fins on for you!  The kitchen crew and cook are fantastic!  The food was sooooo good!  Every single meal was great and we ate 5 meals a day, from my normal 2 meals a day!

There'll be a new boat, called the new White Manta.  Bigger and the cabins will be above water surface so no funny smells.  Starts in a few months and it'll sail to Layang Layang!  Hammerhead sharks!  Tempting...