Monday, April 25, 2011

Marathon Diary : week 11

It's getting tiring, my legs feels so old.  I am not looking forward to the next 5 weeks of clocking mileage. 

This week I need to do a 13km and a 32km run.  Groan!

From my last run on Good Friday, where I ran 2 loops of the 10km trail at Macritchie.  It's been a really long time since the last time I ran the 10km trail, a bitter-sweet reacquaintance with the hills and slopes.  Parts of it made me smile from the memories I had, but most of the time, I was just exhausted.  I forget how steep the hills are and how rocky the path gets in part.  But the uneven & steep slopes are good training.


Zi said...

map looks so nice! to e unsuspecting, u may actually seem savvy. ;p

Steph said...

I thought you said you'll never do another marathon? LOL ;)