Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mid week rambling

Amazingly I had a pretty hectic week thus far.  Should stop saying this place is slow-paced!  Back to back meetings, then last night was on a conference call til about 12:30 midnight.  This morning back in office at 8am for a quarterly update session.  I need more sleep!

Found myself talking to a HK software vendor just now and he started off the conversation in Mandarin.  Both of us struggled during the conversation.  Wonder why we can't just switch to English since Mandarin is still a foreign language to him.

Cycling.  Reprieve.  Have excuse to go slow tonight since my colleague Jasmin & also CY (he just bought a road bike on Sunday) are coming tonight.  Will need to accompany them cycling within the back pack.  Think I can pretty much volunteer to be sweeper, unless Monica is coming - she'll be slower than them and I will leave  her behind.  Hee hee...


Zi said...

u sweeper my ass. u're on a roll in abandoning frens this wk.

hee hee. how's does it feel on e receiving end, accuser!

Felicia said...

How I know he'll end up pushing bike up the loyang hills?!!

I showed up for cycling when I said I would... more than I can say for er-hem, some other people!