Friday, September 23, 2011

Elephantic Epiphany

It was a dark cloudy night.

We just turned out onto Coastal Road, I settled into a steady 32km/h with my best friends behind me. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw the shadow of an elephant.

I accelerate to 34km/h, definitely an elephant's shadow.

I dig in, 35km/h, elephant comes into view on my right.

The entire elephant, trunk triumphantly up, appears.  Prooot!

I was eating elephant dust.

Disappointed with self, I descended back to an earthly 32km/h.

A thought forms...

Just what does it takes to keep up with a flying elephant?  Is it technology or is it me?

Only 1 way to find out.

Stay tuned.


Zi said...

Prooot!! u so ego!!

when was this? i don't remember.

but congrats on e decision ;)) have u thought of a name yet?

Felicia said...

It's not about speed pe se, it's wondering if a better bike indeed helps with a fast-burst acceleration.

I'll probably name it Speedy II - a link to Speedy whom I love dearly!