Monday, January 06, 2014

Hello 2014!

Because my favorite family was away on holidays last weekend, leaving me to house-sit and water their tree, I had a nice, peaceful, quiet time.  Also managed to get a chance to get to mass early enough for confession. Now onto my new year resolutions.

No. 1 - working on the relationship with my mother.  (At the confessional, I was told very wisely that my mother is my "spiritual asset").  Sigh.  I hear you, God!

No. 2 - perspective.  When I had a job, $ in the bank, healthy working limbs, I bitched all the time.  In 2012, when it was all taken away, I learned how not to take things for granted.  Now I am grateful I have a chance to groan that it is Monday and I need to crawl out of bed and go to work!  Thank you God.  You are good, all the time!

It's like that funny story we repeated while at the lousy start-up I was with.  We had this European customer that had a long laundry list of stuff they pestered us to fix.  One day, the server in our US office crashed, and suddenly in perspective, none of those "must-fix" bugs mattered when faced with irrecoverable data loss.  At that time, we laughed it off over lunch.  But that's precisely the lesson in life : it is all about putting things in the right perspective.

No. 3 - discipline.  No more slacking off, must do my daily readings.

That's it.  I will focus on these 3 for a start.  So help me God!