Saturday, September 13, 2008

Divorce and reality

Recently 2 friends got divorced. Both of whom are great, really nice people married to seemingly nice decent men. What's happening today?

While the Church's stand is pretty clear, the rising number of annulment it grants is also a telling story.

To those going through/midst of divorce, may the good Lord stand by you, strengthen and be with you.


Anonymous said...

2 nice individuals do not equal a happy harmoniuos couple... MPC and EE help people to find that out before they tie the knot.
Still, it is not smooth sailing from there onwards, they would have to WORK HARD at it.
Btw, non-Cathoilc can go for these too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Felicia, any good diving with the typhoon@orchid island??? Greetings from the polish thermocline ;-) Tobi