Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Pick me up Tuesday

It's a Tuesday night and Emily wanted to order pizza and work late today again - I refused! Managed to convince her to go out eat, then return to work. We went to eat 小籠包 near Guting MRT station. And feeling poor after buying some hiking gear (we're going to Jade Mountain in Oct! I bought a new Lafuma jacket and she hiking boots), we walked to take the MRT instead of our usual taxi after dinner. Plus we overate - ok ok, that's the real reason. We were too stuffed and needed to walk off our bloated bellies.

She pointed down 1 dark dank lane and said, hey massage place. Now those 2 words are magic to me, so I walked down with her. She is right, the lane was pretty interesting. It has an antique shop, very traditional provisions shop (with all the 7-11s and 24hr convenience stores in Taiwan, it survived!), some quaint old buildings. While walking back out to the main street, we saw this interesting shop. I thought it was Japanese curios, Emily though jewellery, it was a very high class Japanese styled desserts. All hand sculptured. You have to see to believe how pretty they are. Fillings range from redbean to green bean to some jelly. We ate 1, the yellow bird. It tasted really good! The owner came out to chat, she spent 2 years in Japan learning the craft. And it takes up to 15mins to make a single complicated one. Makes for good gifts. Might buy some for Michelle when I next go home. The store is called Tang Ho 唐和.


Anonymous said...

I miss the good xiao long baos in taipei!! I had that for lunch this week...can't even be compared to the ones in taiwan! Will you bring some xiao long baos and ice monsters when u come visit? Haha

Felicia said...

can. I eat then come over and regurgitate?

Zi said...

excuse me, aren't u forgetting some hardcore pigs??

Felicia said...

Ok, people - keep calm! All you need to do is come visit me and I will buy you many many pretty pretty little cakes :)