Monday, October 27, 2008

It's getting cool here

Today it's 22 degrees. Funnily it got cooler right after mom left. She kept whinging about how hot it gets - it was probably 25 degrees while she was here *roll eyeballs*

I really don't get it when Singaporeans bitch about the warm weather. Comeon already, we're south-east Asians, we live practically on the equator, don't tell me you hide out in an AC room all day. It's such pretentious, phoney behaviour that makes me sick.

Ok, I'm grumpy... I'm coordinating the next Marketing Summit and it has been eventful. Originally planned in San Francisco and then last minute big boss man says move to Houston. And we scramble to change. I hate the mothercity of cowboy state. Hate is a little strong yes, perhaps I strongly dislike. True to form, the cowboys start to whinge almost immediately. Oh, the venue we're considering is too far, the 1 hour commute is too long, oh the place is too dangerous, too expensive... Hello? There's people flying in from France, Singapore, Taiwan, California and Florida - and the Houston people are complaining a 1 hour drive is too far?

I've been sucking it all in and patient. But I lost it on Friday late night, pushed over the brink by this 1 rude cowboy who ironically worked out of the Taiwan office for almost 2 years.
What was Sunday's sermon about? Love. No. 1 love the Lord Your God with all your might and all your soul. No. 2 love your neighbour.

Think happy thoughts... going back to my Alishan weekend. And if you think these photos are gorgeous, well, I shot them. Yeah, me and my lousy skills achieved this - you can imagine how much more majestic in real life the sunrise or the 2000year old cypress trees look (and smell). Oommms!

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