Saturday, July 10, 2010

Stuff ship back today, d-day countdown - 5 days

After the last 3 days of putting my stuff into boxes, Fedex guy came to take them away.  I estimated 50 to 60kg.  Total weigh in today, 109kg.  Hmm...  Guess that's my life in 109kg.

Tried to tip Fedex guy, he said he'll be fired if he took my tip.  2nd time I tried to tip someone in Taipei and it got turned down.  Sigh.. I will miss this city.

I could bitch a little about Derek, as much as I planned and timed my schedule/dates, he has procrastinated/delayed/dragged out what he wanted to buy from Giant.  If I could blame it on my poor planning, I'd feel better.  But despite the last 2 weeks email/text/calling him, I finally went down to the Giant shop last night, called him on my cell, passed the phone to bike shop guy, for him to decide.  Unfortuately they don't have stock of what he wants, his orders arrive Wednesday, so it will miss my shipment, I need to hand carry back.  Hate poor execution to a plan.

I should be happy though.  Boxes to ship back - check!  All that's left are the admin matters like bank, cell phone etc. 

Packing - day 1

Packing - final day



Zi said...

*pat pat

good job fel. chuck those frustrated feelings aside and concentrate on dying in sg avec moi!!

francis said...

Well done!! All ready for a new page in S'pore. Will try to get you a NDP ticket to jump start your patriotism.