Thursday, July 22, 2010

Welcome home to Singapore!

Leaving Singapore, there was a little hic-cup.  Jetstar bumped me off the flight (2nd time in my life) and after much arguing, and hassle, I eventually flew home on Eva (got to watch a movie too!).  I must say the eventful departure made me realize my friends (Rae, Elmo and Luca) were great.  Stuck with me, really concerned for me.  Sigh... I want to cry now.

This is a huge catholic church opposite the cable TV customer service counter.  I went there just before leaving for a cash refund of the unused portion of my bill (we pay 2 months at a go in Taiwan).  The last of the free cable tv, only in Taiwan do you get 100 channels (including 4 movie channels) for the equivalent of about S$28.
Church somewhere in Taipei.
Since being back, my daytimes are occupied by work.  Still trying to figure out internet connectivity for home, buy a car (with rising COEs, not aiding my cause), buy an apartment (still so expensive) and try to hang out with friends.  It's actually a fun time, so I'm trying not to let everything overwhelm me so I get to enjoy this process.  Me at the Volkswagon showroom over the weekend. 

1 comment:

Felicia said...