Monday, August 30, 2010

These days...

Boss puts in 2 tasks in my performance review that are due end of Q3, ie end August.  And yes, end Aug would mark my 6th week in Motorola.  So yes, I'm a little harassed these 2 days!  Am I done with the 2 tasks?  Not really - still waiting on other people for info.  Everyone's busy, I understand - wish he does as well.

Yeah, my new boss is impatient, but, I'm still grateful that he offered me a break and a chance to return to Singapore. 

I just need to somehow muddle through Mon/Tue, then I get to go to HK Wed to Sat!  Yay!  Looking forward to a nice quiet break where I can slack off without needing to bike like mad or run hard and hot or climb scary leads.

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