Saturday, December 18, 2010

I'm baack, anyone missed me?

I needed a break from writing, not from a lack of content (I believe I can rant endlessly) but to calm myself down a little.

It's been rough of late. Emotionally, on the job front, and also I guess adaptation - much like a delayed reaction to my return to Singapore, straight into the thick of action.

I took 2 trips since quitting Motorola. India was another one of my longtime dreams, to see the Taj Mahal. And it was everything I imagined it to be, and way more!

Since my return, I've been surprisingly busy. There're still the sport activities with friends almost every night and in the day time, it's been either errands, or catching up with friends over lunch. Amazingly, it wasn't til Thu and Fri (yesterday & today) that I finally had a chance to sleep in.

I've still got a few more appointments to keep, IPL with Karen and I need to go shopping. Firstly to get a royal blue dress for Jo's wedding - I am to be Chinese MC & also 姐妹. Of all the friends I've done this for, this one should be the most fun. Looking forward to that.

Also on my to-do list : Christmas shopping. I tried, I honestly did. But it is too overwhelming walking the malls. A friend is going to donate $ she typically spends on Xmas gifts to charity this year. It's a little bit of a defeatist attitude in my case, but honestly, it sounds more practical.

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