Monday, July 18, 2011

Hardship trip to Pulau Aur for the weekend

Philip was leaving Dell and wanted a dive trip.  After eliminating various options : no leave, too far, too expensive.. we reduced to 1 destination - Aur/Dayang/Tioman weekend getaway.  Essentially just to clock some underwater mileage.  It was touted as "hardship trip", so everyone else duly backed out.  I felt a little obligated, cos no one else was going to go, and besides since I have not been to Aur/Dayang for at least 5 years, so WTH, hardship diving, here I come!

The journey there was uneventful, Philip and I chatted all the way to Mersing in a comfortable AC coach, we were then transfered onto a boat that had en-masse sleeping pads, everyone could lay down flat, albeit a little squashed.  Since I brought a warm fleece blanket, I could sleep fairly comfortably. 

First instance of 'hardship' was when we were on the little transfer boat to the resort and Philip shone his flashlight into the dark and muttered : staghorn coral.  The tide was really low and the boat was scrapping bottom, we had to jump overboard and wade in, yes, stepping on staghorn coral while carrying our luggage to make it to land.  It was hard cos the coral is uneven and sharp, it was 4am and pitch black, I was wearing long pants and carrying luggage.  While staggering in the 30m into land, I ended up with a cut on my left heel, a deep flapper.  Damnit.

Not sure if the eruption of  Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi was a factor but it was cloudy skies the whole weekend.  Which made for lousy vis.  I barely took any photos.  Instead took the time to practise my kicking underwater, need to learn to fly to chase big creatures.  Truth is, Philip and I hoped for a glimpse of a passing whaleshark - in vain.  Seriously, even if a whale shark did pass us by, the poor vis would have shrouded it!

The highlight of the trip were the doughnuts from the Divers Lodge - served as afternoon tea.  I ate 6 and almost puke the next dive.  Worth it, nontheless.  Actually the food per se, was excellent. 

Or it could also be the time when I let Philip shower first since I was still digging for clean clothes etc.  Now the generator only starts running at 7pm.  I was shampooing in cold water and wondering what time it was, when suddenly the lights and hot water kicked in.  Perfect timing! 

Did we see anything special in the waters of Pulau Aur?  Hmm... actually the marine life and condition of the corals is quite bad.  From my last dive 5-6 years ago, much deteoriation.  The only plus is that the water is cold, 26-27degrees, so hopefully the corals will start to flourish soon.  Bleaching is rather bad at this moment.
Me smirking for the camera

It was not that bad a trip afterall.  Other than some wounds : beside the heel cut - which hurt the whole time since the booties would touch it.  I also cut my right knee while washing gear after the last dive cos my flesh is softened from soaking in the sea.  Also sustained a small bump on the side of head after I was thrown off balance sitting on the boat & struggling to pull my 5mm thick wetsuit on.

Besides that, the transfers were smooth, diving was safe and food was good. 

More pictures :

1 comment:

Zi said...

one of e reasons i don like aur is coz they don't have a jetty.

better dive next time! ;)