Friday, June 08, 2012


Just heard that Emily Wang is marrying Joe from the lab, both of them my ex-colleagues from the HP Taiwan team.  Both incredibly nice people.  Joe was the same guy who helped me pry my hammerhead shark key ring back into place.  When I left Taiwan, they were having problems and Emily had moved out in a desperate bid to improve their relationship, I passed them literally most stuff from my house - from ironing board, laundry hanger to plates/forks/spoons.  She just message me to say they are still using my stuff happily and the wedding is in September.  I am really glad they made it work, cos I really liked them both.  Very sincere and genuinely nice folks who deserve one another.

Over the climb last night, Jo - in between groaning and huffing up the walls, was telling me about the elephant's new-found love and how she's drowning in happiness right now.  It is very heartwarming to hear that.

Amen to the Lord's faithfulness!

Sidenote : Joe used to manage our product samples, and I really miss those days when I'd go to Joe and draw my marketing sample NBs.  I'm bitching because today I have a lousy barely working, heavy, slow & sucky Dell NB.  Gimme a new NB now!

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