1. Taipei is very very Chinese.
2. 牛腩麵 is NOT the same as 牛肉麵. I ate brisket for the 1st time in my life - squishy tendons I don't like.
3. Taiwanese measure apartments in 坪. 12坪 studio apartments are too small for me to consider a home. Actually smaller than my hotel room - which I tot was small already.
4. 鼎泰豐is really yummier here than in Singapore. No wonder there was a queue for it, and there was still a queue after we left.
5. Aftermath of kiling myself on Sok Bee's grey route on wall 3 of Yishun - my shoulders & upper arms ache and I got 3 finger joints that hurt. Thank God I have a massage appointment when I return - thanks to Derek!
Dear Fel,
Hope your fingers are on their way to recovery....well not trying to be lor sor butttt the crux was set by ADRAIN so he's the one 'responsible'!!!! NOT ME!!! i am Kind one all jugs!!!
Thanks ah.. I tried it again Sat and the finger pocket to finger pocket to yet another.. (u guessed it) finger pocket killed me!
That was your part of the route!
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