Managed to get my 1st climb in on Wednesday nite finally. Was starting to feel depressed with office place politic-ing and all. But after the climb, I went with the Taiwanese folks to have coffee - well, I sipped jasmine flower tea while they had coffee (it was 10-ish, drinking coffee would be asking for insomniac-ness). I realise the Taiwanese are really humourous but their brand of humour is not personal, ie not targeted at anyone. Mental note to self, learn that!
Thu was peace memorial day - to remember 228 incident. Had packed Kim and her friend off Hualien & Taichung, so had a bit of space to myself. Went to boulder in Neihu with Peter then jogged in gym for a bit. Felt much more energized with some sports in. Oh Peter took me to see the guitar shop he mentioned, you
know you're in Taiwan, when the guitars look like this...

This Sat, we're finally going to Yeliu and the Junming museum. I had wanted to go for the longest time but never gotten around to it until now. Yay!