Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Third Sunday of Advent - Joy and Gladness

From Sunday's excellent sermon from Fr Cary at the St John Bosco's, Taipei.

Joy is
1. fruit of the Holy Spirit
2. not a passing enthusiasm, it is a gift!
3. endures trial of time. Even in times of suffering, pain and difficulty.
4. generous and contagious. If you are stingy, then your joy is in material things.
5. filled with Hope.
6. filled with thanksgiving. A joyful person is thankful.
7. knowing that one is filled with God's graces. Not a fleeting thing, nor linked to material things, but a grace received from God.

- ask yourself, do I have joy in my heart?
- this Sunday is an invitation to wait joyfully for the Saviour who is coming to save us.
- what do you need to let go/set free to be joyful? Because we are all entitled to joyful lives.


Steph said...

Hey, what is Advent?

Felicia said...

It's the month leading up to Christmas. Because Christmas is a reminder of Christ's salvavic act for us, we should prepare our hearts for His coming.