Monday, January 18, 2010

Back in Taipei

The past few weeks have been pretty unsettling work-wise. Hopes dashed, plans on hold... I'm unsure what I want myself, not to mention surrendering it all to the good Lord. Guess all I can do is keep moving forward and hope in Him.

I did however, have a high moment last night. I called my mom, and she said she missed me. Hmmm... that is probably the first time in my life (perhaps she did say words to the same effect when I was away in school in Oz, but it's been so long I forget). Nontheless, I was impressed. The mother-daughter relationship has indeed come a long ways.

Yesterday's sermon by the Italian priest (I didn't get his name) was pretty interesting. From the Gospel on Jesus' first public miracle of converting water to wine at the wedding, key takeaway - sometimes our prayer should be "do whatever Jesus commands us to", even if you don't know what that is, trust.

1 comment:

francis said...

i got the same sermon message too! That poor servant must be thinking he is going to get some scolding from the ceremonial chief by asking him to taste water, nevertheless, he did as told by Jesus.

I am surprised too by your mom words. Hope you reciprocate.