Work. With folks here from Houston, our executive VP Todd visiting Taipei, plus endless meetings, I was working my butts off! Plus we needed to entertain the Houston team. That means eating lunches/dinners - such a waste of time! I was returning to work after dinner. Talk about sad.
I went out to BBQ dinner with the folks from work Friday night, got home late, started working on my weekly report and sent that out 4am Saturday! Slept till noon and then our year end party. Part 2, KTV after the dinner. Houston folks refuse to sing, we had to keep singing...

Now, I was beat. Sitting at mass, I felt like something the cat dragged in, probably looked it too. BUT, I was early at mass and a lector was missing (his wife gave birth Saturday). I was asked to stand in, sure I was game, except I looked a mess. Other lector didn't care, she hissed, come now!
Went to rock gym after mass, had to force my sorry ass up the wall. So tired. I didn't think I would be up to dinner, but I ate a whole hamburger - Bravo Burger was pretty darn good. And chatting with Garin/Vinny did put me in a better mood, enough to want dessert before going home to bed.
What a week.
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