Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Ice Skating

Peter took me ice skating last Saturday at Taipei Arena, 小巨蛋 as it's affectionately known here.

Considering my lack of affinity with sports involving skates/skis, it was an "interesting" experience. (read: yes I fell many times on my butt, get off my case already!)

Peter, on the other hand, can really skate.

Then we went to catch Gong Fu Panda the Movie. There was some event ongoing at the Mitsukoshi (新光三越) area and I got to hug Apo the Gong Fu Panda.

1 comment:

foodie said...

This cannot be! Someone who loves the heat paying to go somewhere cold? Hope they at least had hot bubble tea, or something else hot that you like, to keep you warm!