First trip with HP Mountaineering society to 太平山 and a visit to Kavalan whisky distillery (the only one in Taiwan). 
The hikes we did smell fantastic - the cypress woods I guess. It smelt like spas most of the time. Really enjoyed it, except it was mostly steps - like being on a stairmaster all weekend. My calves ache like hell now.

And the other highlight was the whisky distillery. It's recent, into it's 3rd year and as the whisky distillation process takes 2 years, technically it is the first year of producing whisky. I bought 2 bottles back for Michelle/Ian & Calvin. We got to sample a small sip - it's nice. Rae and I clink glasses and downed it, much to the consternation of everyone else at our table, we got dirty looks of 'you alcoholics'...

Our overall itineary
5/23(六) 第一天(午餐自理)
6:50 am 台北集合出發=== 8:20 太平山入口(土場),停車購票=== 9:15 太平山莊下車,整裝
9:30 搭09:30 分蹦蹦車去走三疊瀑布...每一小時一班,若沒搭上09:30 分蹦蹦車,就先遊走
鐵杉林自然步道全長1.7km,再搭10:30 分蹦蹦車去走三疊瀑布~~步行
三疊瀑布2.7km 下切3 百公尺,若不想走這麼累的人,建議可以走茂興懷舊步道
14:00 搭14:00 分蹦蹦車回太平山莊,Check In,自由活動,下列步道依個人體力作選擇,
1) 鐵杉林自然步道全長1.7km
2) 鳩之澤自然步道全長2km
3) 見晴懷古步道全長2.35km
18:20~19:20 太平山莊用晚餐,夜空數星星太平山莊(宿)
5/24(日) 第二天
5:30 起床...看日出,不看日出者可繼續見周公
6:30~7:20 太平山莊早餐,
7: 20 集合,7:30 搭接駁車往翠峰湖===8:20 抵翠峰湖~~8: 30 台灣山毛櫸步道入口
8: 30 台灣山毛櫸步道~~3.8 km * 2 來回約需220 分鐘(普通腳),若不想走這麼累的人
12:00 回程往太平山莊===12:50 抵太平山莊
12:50~13:50 太平山莊午餐
13:50 集合上車,14:00 開車前往金車KAVALAN Whisky 酒莊===14:50 底達酒莊
14:50~17:50 金車酒莊參觀,品酒,喝咖啡
17:50 集合上車===18:30~19:30 礁溪用晚餐(Option:礁溪洗溫泉,不包含於費用中)
19:30 上車回台北===20:30 底台北
And the other highlight was the whisky distillery. It's recent, into it's 3rd year and as the whisky distillation process takes 2 years, technically it is the first year of producing whisky. I bought 2 bottles back for Michelle/Ian & Calvin. We got to sample a small sip - it's nice. Rae and I clink glasses and downed it, much to the consternation of everyone else at our table, we got dirty looks of 'you alcoholics'...
Our overall itineary
5/23(六) 第一天(午餐自理)
6:50 am 台北集合出發=== 8:20 太平山入口(土場),停車購票=== 9:15 太平山莊下車,整裝
9:30 搭09:30 分蹦蹦車去走三疊瀑布...每一小時一班,若沒搭上09:30 分蹦蹦車,就先遊走
鐵杉林自然步道全長1.7km,再搭10:30 分蹦蹦車去走三疊瀑布~~步行
三疊瀑布2.7km 下切3 百公尺,若不想走這麼累的人,建議可以走茂興懷舊步道
14:00 搭14:00 分蹦蹦車回太平山莊,Check In,自由活動,下列步道依個人體力作選擇,
1) 鐵杉林自然步道全長1.7km
2) 鳩之澤自然步道全長2km
3) 見晴懷古步道全長2.35km
18:20~19:20 太平山莊用晚餐,夜空數星星太平山莊(宿)
5/24(日) 第二天
5:30 起床...看日出,不看日出者可繼續見周公
6:30~7:20 太平山莊早餐,
7: 20 集合,7:30 搭接駁車往翠峰湖===8:20 抵翠峰湖~~8: 30 台灣山毛櫸步道入口
8: 30 台灣山毛櫸步道~~3.8 km * 2 來回約需220 分鐘(普通腳),若不想走這麼累的人
12:00 回程往太平山莊===12:50 抵太平山莊
12:50~13:50 太平山莊午餐
13:50 集合上車,14:00 開車前往金車KAVALAN Whisky 酒莊===14:50 底達酒莊
14:50~17:50 金車酒莊參觀,品酒,喝咖啡
17:50 集合上車===18:30~19:30 礁溪用晚餐(Option:礁溪洗溫泉,不包含於費用中)
19:30 上車回台北===20:30 底台北
2 comments:'re blogging in Chinese now!! What a change...are you the same Felicia who couldn't hear the difference between "milk powder" and "milk candies"? LOL ;p
er.. i cut n pasted the plan from the trip organizer. But hey, i've gone a loooong ways since that blasted milk candy fiasco :(
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