Friday, May 21, 2010

Hot hot hot...

Last week was beautiful, 25-26degrees in the day, and a cool 21-22 in the evenings.

This week, we got Singapore-like temperatures, up to 30degrees most of the day, dropping perhaps to 26 in the evenings.

Because my apartment has lots of windows (which I love it for), it also retains heat from the green-house effect all day. So even when I turn in for bed, it still registers a 29degrees indoors. Hot!

It's been AC on to cool down the apartment before bed. HOT!

Met service forecasts cooler skies next week, back to 20degrees night, slightly higher day. I hope they are accurate!


Steph said...

Hey, have you posted pics of your new apt? I wanna see!

Felicia said...

Steph, where have you been?! I missed you, can't wait to catch up in July!

I didn't move within Taipei cos I'm hoping to get to move out soon!