Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Penitential service for Lent

It's week 5 of Lent.  Yes, most of Lent flew by without any concerted effort on my part towards increased prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Last night I went to OLPS at Siglap for penitential service.  Since I was early, I had time to prepare myself and I also realized that being early means my car (hence me) would be trapped.  (As with all Catholic churches, we double/triple park ourselves within the church compound during mass/service so there is no way to unblock yourself until after it ends and everyone leaves together).

Shrewdly I had chosen seats such that I'd get my confession heard first and indeed by 8:30pm, I was ready to go.  I decided to sit and spend time with God, so I squirmed in my seat until 9pm.  Amazingly I found I could reverse my car out, so as was at Advent time, I left early.

There is but 11 days to Easter, I resolve to spend little time in stupid time-wasters (Facebooking, Candy-Crushing, reading nonsense online), better utilizing that time either prayer/read Scripture/rest/sleep early.

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