The weather turned cooler - it's now average 22-25degrees, grey, drizzly mostly. This affects my brains - I am more forgetful now. Ok ok, it's an excuse. I missed numerous photo opportunities this wknd.
Saturday Promised the hardcore folks to do this. Buy Longdong topo guidebook. Once done, went to climb in the gym in Beitou -
Idea. It's way bigger than Y17 and open in the day (Y17 only open to public evenings) and allows leadclimbing. Cool!
-- forgot camera, no pix. Imagine.
Sunday I tot I saw rafting at some activity centre near Shilin. So Garin and I went to verify this unreliable info. So I'm wrong. There IS an activity centre, but no rafting. The Keelung river nearby stinks and is too pathetically narrow there anyways.
We were right by the Grand Hotel so went up to check it out. It is beautiful! I want to get married here! First I need a guy to marry, small technicality - sob! :(
-- forgot camera, no pix. Kicked myself. Imagine.
Then we went to Tienmu for dinner as Garin's never been there. This is like little America, actually it's rather nice. Quieter, nestled again mountains, just no MRT station nearby and a little far out of city. Lots of little restaurants and stores. Saw a Hello Kitty store and spent some time giggling thru it.
-- forgot camera, no pix. No cutsy shots. Imagine.
There's also a
Phiten store there. I was tempted.. but resisted.
We eventually ate at a Chinese restaurant that had Peking Duck in its signboard - but they bluff us, they ran out of duck! Dang...
-- forgot camera, no pix, no duck anyways. Imagine.