The Hardcores came in on a Thu evening, left on a Sun evening like a tornado. Actually there're 2 typhoons approaching Taiwan right now. Guess God was gracious enough to give us good weather and hold the typhoons back for a while.
Right now, I am nursing a pinched muscle in my right arm, a missing house key and lots of dirty sheets to wash...
BUT BOY WAS IT FUN!!! I climbed 3 days in a row, laughed and ate and hung out like old times. Here's our photographic evidence of being hardcore and enjoying every moment of it.
I miss them already.
Derek - weather forecast is 13-14degrees this week. God loves you! And tonight's news, there are 2 men missing from Longdong (they showed the same entrance we walked in from), they were fishing from the rocks. Rescuers found only their fishing gear... Pls pray for their safety.
Yz - you should've stayed back to see both typhoons.. Damn it is so wet now.
Here's a pix of the typhoons for you to imagine...

Jo - I hope you enjoy touring rest of Taiwan. Gimme a call if you need anything. You know how I speak/behave like a local now :)
PS My missing housekeys saga update - landlady passed me her spare keys, but seems like I need to replace the entire lock to be safe, that'll set me back 4500NT. Sob!