Sunday, November 04, 2007

Happy All Saints Day & All Souls Day!

Thu was All Saints Day - strangely there were no extra masses in the churches here. I had to call just about every Catholic church within the Taipei city district. At least now I know where all the churches that has English masses are! Anyways, Aaron and I attended 8pm mass at St Christopher in Little Manila. We tried to get Fillino food before mass but they were mostly closed - ended up with Subway.

All Souls Day - Aaron suggested night market as he was returning to US for thanksgiving and someone in Houston asked him to get the stupid bobbing head dolls. We ended up eating way too much fried food, then Aaron bought 2 pairs of jeans - he refused the jewel studded ones Sharon kept insisting on. They needed time for alterations - we ended up buying the dolls + sit thru a foot massage session.

The 2 of them were hilarious.. they kept complaining, wincing and then exclaiming when the masseur tell them it's for their brains, liver etc... No wonder boss always complains about having 2 Sharons & 2 Aarons on the team...

I now know where to take the HardCores when they come for an excellent foot massage - plus they close at 5am. Cool or what?

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