Monday, April 20, 2009

Cycling in Taipei

Woke up early on Sat to go cycling with Rae & Xinhan from the nearby National Taiwan University (NTU) grounds to 和平公园cycling trail by the river.
Me with my sunscreen..

Rae. See our foldies? I just realized our bikes aren't the same models! Her's is Dahon Vitesse, mine's Dahon Roo. What's the difference? Who knows...
Rae - she was folding her bike back up.. yelled at me, no pix! Xinhan in the background.

I used to begrudge the cyclists in Taipei, how they ride so carelessly on pavements and through pedestrian crossings.. so dangerous!

As a cyclist & a scaddy-cat Singaporean, when I approach a crowd, I freak out and try to avoid them all. But Rae and Xinhan just plows straight through into the crowd and magically sail along. I tend to swerve to avoid people and do circles about the crowd only to eventually lose my balance and then stop and walk my bike through the crowds. Sigh.

Seriously, the best thing to do is plow straight through... Also perhaps safer as it's a predictable path and people know how to avoid you.

In any case, NTU grounds are big and very little cars/traffic. Can head back here later.

Of cos after cycling, I went home to take a long afternoon nap til dinner time. Being a slug on weekends feels great.


Zi said...

i shud get u an astronaut suit for ur sunscreen needs.

francis said...

What sunscreen ?!! With the helmet and face mask, you both look like on the way to rob a bank !!

Felicia said...

Hey, when in Rome, do as the Romans. All 3 of us were similarly attired :)

francis said...

Hey Fel, these pics you took appeared bluish. You might want to try other more appropriate white balance.