So when I read this comic in today's papers, it really made me laugh.
Must life be so action-packed then even our holidays represent our work life? I do recall some years back when I still had a bf (*sob*) he complained that I didn't know how to chill out. Well, yeah, we were lying on a beach on beach chairs reading our books and I got bored after 1 hour.
Guess this confirms me as being a type A character. Great, destined to die the same way my pa did - can't overcome genetics I suppose.
Relax! One needs to tune one's mind before one can relax on a holiday... so what you call that? A "pre-holiday focus-mind shutdown"...? I find it difficult to relax if the mind too focus on achieving a goal.
after you've set a framework of agenda/objectives, then you can really max out a holiday.
different viewpoints.
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