Friday, March 09, 2012

Bakery - Maison Kayser or Paul's?

I first told Michelle about Paul's Bakery when I first saw it being renovated in Takashimaya.  I loved the bread there and was quite a regular customer while living in Taipei.

They opened in December and Michy and I went there last month.  Actually she checked it out earlier, but my jaw/teeth weren't ready for bread then.  Of course, she brought little Matty along and it was just a fantastic meal.

Michy being Michy, she went on to discover Maison Kayser - a Japanese bakery in Paris, also recently opened in the new Scotts Square.  They even have Japanese staff.  The bread is finer, it's less expensive and less crowded considering I met Michy on a Friday afternoon and we still found seats without waiting (not quite the same case as Paul's with its long queues!).  I ordered the crochet set and unlike Paul's, it's crispy outside and soft inside.  Felt it was done very nicely.  I'm a convert.  Maison Kayser is great.

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