Sunday, November 22, 2009

My abs hurt...

Tried this supposedly easy route on Saturday, under the overhang, you stretch out your right hand above the overhang while you're way over on the left side under the overhang, control the swing out, then without a foothole, somehow reach out above and over.

Now my problem was every time I cut loose, the swing out impact due to my big fat butts is so great that it'll pop my left hand. Repeat this a few times of flying out and forcing abs with a big grunt to put feet back on wall to smear a little and then reach up and over...

Tadah - wake up on Sunday with painful abs. It's not even that I did this many times, I tried that fall/stick back/fall/stick back routine perhaps 5 times before quitting...

I will be back. Damn that route, and ow ow my abs sure hurt.


Zi said...

wish i was there to scream at u.

francis said...

i am not so mean.... wish i was there to gently massage your abs (: