Monday, March 08, 2010

Lent this year

Somehow Lent crept up on me. Partly because it started while still chinese new year and while I was still back in Singapore.

After returning to Taipei and settling down (I had a lot of work to clear plus Aunty May and Adolfo both came to Taipei), half of Lent has gone me by.

It was sometime last week that I was moaning via MSN to Zi about how God doesn't answer prayers no more... Afterall, He's been ignoring my earnest prayers for years! And the kid in all her 24 years of wisdom says 'aiyah, you need to wander in the desert'. I had forgotten that Lent was modeled upon Jesus' 40 days of wandering in the desert, and of cos, the key message is to refocus, repent and turn back to God.

Zi isn't even catholic!

So yes God, I hear you thru Zi. I will wander and repent, return to God. Just that I feel I've wandered until I'm dusty... *whine* Yet, I will obey, repent and return to God *mumbles to self*

1 comment:

Zi said...

thank u for my renewed youth.. ;)