Saturday, February 12, 2011

It never rains, it pours

Not a good day.

1. At 7:30am realize now front tyre of bicycle has gone flat. After some &:))@ at Rodalink, I had to inform Derek no cycling for me.

2. The Malaysian motorcyclist called me asking for $. Said his bike needs 2 months to fix. Either I give him $800 or he'll sue me for 2 months loss of earnings. Even though he admits damage only to his handlebars. Are they made of gold?!! And 2 months to repair? Spaceship or scooter? Madness.

3. Right after that call, when the phone rang again, I thought it was the greedy bloodsucker. But it was a shocked Jo who just rear-ended a car. She couldn't stop in time & was sobbing over the phone. The toll of work pressures, wedding preparations & all really getting to her. Let's pray for Jo.

And I pray for everyone tonight. May Jesus reign always.

PS just found out Michy beat me at Bejeweled Blitz. Grr!


Zi said...

keep smiling, we need to take turns being nets.

Zi said...

update more often will u? ur single frens spend their lonely nights online u noe?