Sunday, August 05, 2007

Week 1 Taipei

I survived 1 week of work! Actually colleagues and boss were really nice - gave me a slow start. So work wise I've been ok.

Somehow I've been feeling tired after work - not sure whether it is becos of new environment or lack of a monitor - toll of staring at my notebook's tiny screen all day.. or have I been missing my hardcore friends.

Finally forced myself to go gym on Friday evening - spent 1 hour and feel so proud of myself.

Saturday I slept in a little then went to clean my new apartment. I was astonished at how horribly filthy it was. Expected to finish in a couple of hours, I cleaned house til 7pm.

Today I ache all over - Fri gym + Sat clean house. But I still managed to go find the climbing gym - it is cool! Then walked around and did some touristy photo taking....

Monday (tomorrow) my stuff arrive - yay!

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