Monday, September 21, 2009

Reality bites

I was just thinking and probably commented to a few friends that I was beginning to like being in Singapore again.

Then reality came along and socked me one in the jaw.

As usual, I met up with my financial advisor as I do whenever I am back. Afterwards, we were just making small talk, about property prices and trends etc and then he commented that Lim Hon now has 2 kids, the second new-born shares his birthday etc...

Even though there are songs about this, and I am well aware, heck, I even joke about it. But to realise that it's reality... at that moment. I felt like Darth Maul sliced in half by Obi-wan's lightsaber. Once I recovered, I was preoccupied with macabre time calculations, how much time does it take to get over someone, get married, have 2 kids...

Truth is, I'm over it, over him. Guess now, that remote tiniest of hope dies too.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I know how it feels. Recently, I've been thinking about past relationships. So this week, I added my ex (the one I thought I didn't treasure and let slipped, you know "the one"). But he's happy with his gf (they've been together for several years now). Reality hits, he has moved on. Everyone has moved on, with or without me didn't matter. The past good memories that I might have hang onto, didn't mean anything anymore. For him, there are new memories. Sigh.