Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Affirmation needs

We all seek support and affirmation from one another. 

On Sunday, talking to a friend over dinner, he told me the reason why he plays arcade games and since he's very good at it, he tends to draw a small audience, and he likes the thrill of that admiration.

Then between Monday evening and last night, I met up with various colleagues and they were so engrossed in telling me their achievements, about how fellow colleagues compliment them on their abilities.  Now both of these colleagues I worked with, and they are ok.  But was the need to emphasize to me how good they were really necessary?

It started me thinking this morning in the shower... that we all have such strong needs for affirmation from one another.

I am thankful that Jesus loves me so much that I really have no need for human affirmation.  And He is more than happy to remind me of that love on a daily basis.  Nonetheless, I take the reminder - that I should be more encouraging to the people around me who needs that affirmation.   From a sermon a long time ago, Christians should be like Barnabas from Acts of the Apostles (his name means the encourager)!

1 comment:

Zi said...

u are one of e most encouraging persons i noe. no matter how down i feel or how wrong i did, family/work/sports related, u always tell me i'm great.

u oredi are everything u need to be, to me at least. ;)