Monday, October 25, 2010

How to die over a weekend

I wanted to climb bad, had arranged with SB and Moo to go climb after breakfast. 

But I couldn't say no to my old friends.  So I stayed to play badminton/ping-pong with them.

It was 4 hours of badminton with mad-cap/hardcore people who do not just hit the shuttlecock back, they WHACK it.  Just hearing the piak-piak sounds makes you cringe inwardly.  Thankfully they were really nice to me.  Against each other, they really WHACK it. 

Tired?  You can take a break from badminton with ping pong against a ping-pong machine.  It spits balls and you try your darnest to return the balls.  Every couple of minutes, you need to stop the machine cos the badminton players will start yelling when your errant balls all over the floor starts to roll over to where they are.  As you pick up balls, you need to sing Derek's son's song - pick up balls, pick up balls... my fair lady!

Great fun.  I am glad I stayed.

Sunday was truly choc-a-block, full day of activities.  I ran the Nike City 10k race then rushed to mass.  Towards the end of mass, all expectant mothers were asked to stand for a special praying over and during the prayer, church bells toll!   Hmmm... I like to think my little godson is made for big things in life!
We then had lunch on mom cos she lost the bet :) After lunch, I played with Kino for a bit (he's so cute when he's been playing in the rain and is all semi-wet).  Drove mom back in time to catch her weekend afternoon Korean TV hour.  Next stop - Vivi's prawn noodle party.  By the time I arrived, the vultures had had their fill : some had 4 bowls, others even tabao-ing 2 tingkats.  2nd lunch for me!  And washed it down with 3 bowls of soup.  Possibly the best prawn noodles in the world.  All natural and freshness.  I barely itched!  I didn't even need to anti-histamine myself that night. 

Ah, but the day is not yet over!  Drove back home, nap 15mins, back out to cycle with the gang.  I kept with the peloton up and down the slopes of Loyang, through sheer grit.  But died on the return ride to the carpark.  From 30km/h to 28, then 24, finally it was between 20 to 21km/h as I rolled into the carpark.  Pengsan!

Great weekend, I cannot ask for more when there is God, family, good friends, great food and lots of fun sporting activities.  I can die contented now. 

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