Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Carrying on in trying times

Trying times indeed.  Things are certainly not going the way I envisioned it to be.

Perhaps I'm just tired.  Didn't climb well last night and this morning, I woke up with a sore throat, started running, thinking all will be well.  Normally by the 7-8km mark, I start to kick in strong and feel on top of the world... But this time around, I was along Ghim Moh canal & stupid Runkeeper kept losing GPS signal.  Which is fine, except stop interferring with my music!  I must've stopped like 5x to attempt to fix it, growing increasingly irate. 

I finally lost it along Ghim Moh canal after I've done 1 round (meant to run 2 rounds).  At 8.2km, I quit Runkeeper, switched to music, since I still had another round of the canal to do.  Then music too started to petter in/out.  WTF.  I quit and actually walked the 4km home.  Yes, all the way, in the sun, seething, grumbling. 

My mantra has always been that sports is fun.  If not fun, then go home.  It's not fun anymore and I have 1 more month and since it's the last stretch, also the hardest month.  Sigh.
As I walked that 4km home, thoughts of frustration filled my mind.  And then I recall Job.  Now I realize I am nowhere close to Job's predicament, but Job could praise God thru it all.  And so will I.  I praise you the Almighty and I worship you as my Lord.  I will trust in you and surrender totally to Your will.

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