Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Longest run this season

Did a 29km (I stopped Runkeeper early cos I was disgustingly walking back...).

Managed to run consistently for 23km, then Jo called me and I couldn't restart afterwards.  Pain was too much, hurts everywhere, left little toe, ankles, knees, even my sides were aching.  I walked the remaining 6km back to F2 carpark, with growing self-disgust.... The views though are fantastic, I finally had to stop by a breakwater, to stare at our shipping lane horizon.  Very pretty, in a very Singaporean sense.  By the time I was done and out of East Coast Park, it was noon - I had started running at 7:30am. 

My running speed is quite consistent ~7:40min/km but it's slow, I need to push it to under 7mins/km, in order to finish under 5 hours.  Hmmm... 

Running our usual cycle route was a great idea.  Nice and straight, no need for a gazillion laps nor any traffic lights.  Was enjoyable other than the mid morning heat.

Post run calves aches are killing me though.  All stairs are subjected to cursing as I navigate them with the same trepidation as Zi inching down dirt trails.  I wonder if I should join the professionals and get those compression calf guards.  Hey if it's good enough for Paula Radcliff, it's good enough for me!

1 comment:

Zi said...

wat do u mean? i breeze through dirt trails. no sweat.