Thursday, January 05, 2012


At Changi Hospital's emergency room after the Bintan accident, the doctor asked me my current pain level.  I said 8.

Now if you ask me, I'm still hurting!  I'm perhaps 2-3 daytime, by end of day, it goes to 4-5.

Mayo Clinic Chronic Pain scale
0-1 No pain
2-3 Mild pain
4-5 Discomforting - moderate pain
6-7 Distressing - severe pain
8-9 Intense - very severe pain
10 Unbearable pain

Painful areas
- jaw
- teeth
- chin where the wound was (underneath the scar, it is still rather raw)
- left palm & wrist
- left knee still very pussy and painful
- calves (from brick training)

Perhaps I should take a hint - getting too old for this crap!

As a reaction, I have just purchased a RoadID in case I one day go out for a run alone and collapse. 
Oh, here's how it'll look.  And if you want one, use this discount voucher : ThanksFelicia9760014

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