Friday, January 25, 2013

My lunch in 2 parts

I had 2 roti pratas for lunch today, eaten over 2 parts.

First I ate half of each prata (1 plaster - which is egg and 1 cheese - which is mozzarella cheese).

Next a Cisco parking warden appears and stands in front of my car (illegally parked in front of prata shop).

I got up, moved the car to the nearby car park, walked back and calmly resumed lunch.

Ate the remaining half of each prata, finished my tea halia, walked to the counter and paid for lunch.

No one got upset, no one panicked, my lunch though interrupted was complete, the parking warden did his job and left, the prata folks were paid.

Just another day in the life of typical Singapore.  Yes, I love Singapore!

And I also love Niqqi's prata - they invented mozzarella cheese prata you know!  To die for!

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