Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!

I started the year off with Matty, family and then tried some mountain biking with Felix & Jo on January 1.

They have been nagging me to switch to mountain biking cos no one ever dies, worse case you suffer broken bones, versus road cycling where you play a game of chance with cars.

I must say, they have very good mastery and can steer very steadily through logs/rocks/flowing streams - just about anything!  There is also a lot of technical skills involved - keeping pedals level (I just couldn't do this!), hitting obstacles square on and handlebar control.

I was caked in mud up to shin high after we were done.  We got back and Matty watched us hose down the bikes - he stood inside my car and yell, uncle!  or godma!  come!

Good fun... Glad I went with them after putting this off repeatedly through 2012.

Some riding, more pushing... And totally caked in mud afterwards.

Let's review my 2012 targets :

My targets for 2012 :
1. Focus on work - specifically my new job.
2. Stay close to family.
3. Stop acquiring too many friends, lest life gets complicated.  Return to the loner (that I am anyways).
4. Do less events this year : perhaps these 5 Singapore Duathlon, Sundown Half-marathon, GoldCoast Marathon, Army Half Marathon, Standard Chartered Marathon.
5. Travel a little more.  First country : Taiwan.  Perhaps US next?

Now for my 2013 targets :
- focus on work for real, if I have to, I'll need to switch jobs again
- no. 2 and 3 seems somewhat acomplished, more of the same in 2013
- on the sporting/travel front : I should scale back.  Less endurance and more fun would be nice.

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