To begin with, I hesitated. I didn't enjoy the last 2 trips with the same people - albeit climb trips.
And Monica, Munch all these icky people are going.
But Zi asked me to go, & I figured, since i've not cycled Bintan, wth.
Trying to sort out logistics of getting ourselves & our bikes to Tanah Merah ferry terminal, Zi & I decided on parking at my aunt's place in Loyang then cycle the 9km to the ferry terminal.
Yesterday, Peter called. He said and i quote 'Monica keep asking me how to get there'. Hmmm. Somehow he now owns the responsibility of getting her there? He then asked if I wanted to also cycle the 30-40km there with them.
No, Peter, I don't want to cycle that distance ahead of the 70-80-70km I have to cover in the next 3 days.
Besides, I have given and looked out for Monica from 2003 thru to 2007. And most of 2nd half of last year. She can go leech off someone now.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
On life & death
Yz saved an old man's life when his motorcycle died on ECP's fast lane. She valiantly waited, shielding him with her car while he tried to restart the engine. It couldn't restart. Thankfully 2 cops came by on motorcycles and they took over. Who knows how many lives she saved that night by preventing a horrible accident from happening considering how it was late, on the fast lane, downslope & on a curve. Worse, the failed motorcycle had no lights at all!
On death. I murdered a baby lizard. Stepped on it in the dark on my way to the bathroom last night.
O the frailities of life. The only certainties are death & taxes. Depressing, I know...
On death. I murdered a baby lizard. Stepped on it in the dark on my way to the bathroom last night.
O the frailities of life. The only certainties are death & taxes. Depressing, I know...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Cycling on cleats
Any difference? Other than a phobia of slowing down & re-starting, no difference.
Perhaps I should try a higher cadence, see if I can still maintain a constant speed.
Perhaps I should try a higher cadence, see if I can still maintain a constant speed.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Third in line
When Michelle needs the hospital to deliver Mattie, I'm third in line she will call to drive her. After Ian & her dad.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Biking is expensive...
Back tyre deflated again when I went to check on it today.
On closer inspection, Speedy had picked up a bit of glass embedded in the back tyre. I needed a new back tyre, yet another inner tube and since I was at it, threw in cleats & shoes. Total damage, $220. Yep, I went the whole hog. Oh & no more Bukit Timah road cycling - just way too much debris on that road!
Now sport a grazed left knee (it's been bleeding all evening, ow, ow!) and a bruised right palm. Yes, I fell 3 times in the parking lot of Rodalink learning to cycle with cleats. First fall, I was heading for curbside and then fell over. Second & third fall, I was learning to stop. It seems logical you'd unclip feet, plant feet on floor then brake right? Apparently, Hussein had to explain that sequence to me. Duh!
While I was in Rodalink, this guy with his family in tow was also buying stuff. He's Filipino, was in town competing at last weekend's Aviva Ironman. I helped him google Treknology's address and we struck up a little conversation. He asked if I too took part in the Ironman. While my head swelled to the size of Michelle's bloated stomach, I humbled replied no, I'm just a beginning trying not to fall to her death with her new cleats.
Methinks I look the part of an athlete! :)
On closer inspection, Speedy had picked up a bit of glass embedded in the back tyre. I needed a new back tyre, yet another inner tube and since I was at it, threw in cleats & shoes. Total damage, $220. Yep, I went the whole hog. Oh & no more Bukit Timah road cycling - just way too much debris on that road!
Now sport a grazed left knee (it's been bleeding all evening, ow, ow!) and a bruised right palm. Yes, I fell 3 times in the parking lot of Rodalink learning to cycle with cleats. First fall, I was heading for curbside and then fell over. Second & third fall, I was learning to stop. It seems logical you'd unclip feet, plant feet on floor then brake right? Apparently, Hussein had to explain that sequence to me. Duh!
While I was in Rodalink, this guy with his family in tow was also buying stuff. He's Filipino, was in town competing at last weekend's Aviva Ironman. I helped him google Treknology's address and we struck up a little conversation. He asked if I too took part in the Ironman. While my head swelled to the size of Michelle's bloated stomach, I humbled replied no, I'm just a beginning trying not to fall to her death with her new cleats.
Methinks I look the part of an athlete! :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
Tyre woes
Cycling home after the climb at Yishun was just miserable. First it rained along Mandai. Waited out the rain along a bus stop.
When the rain stopped, Derek & I resumed the ride home.
Cycling behind him on the wet roads is just utterly miserable. His back tyres were spraying onto me even if I kept a healthy distance & when it rained hard again, I decided to stop at Bukit Timah road. Derek continued on.
Rain quit again & I tried to cycle home alone but then my back tyre popped & deflated.
Taxi took me straight me to Rodalink to fix what must be my 4th flat in 3 weeks.
I just found my back tyre totally deflated. Again. It'll be 5th flat in as many weeks.
When the rain stopped, Derek & I resumed the ride home.
Cycling behind him on the wet roads is just utterly miserable. His back tyres were spraying onto me even if I kept a healthy distance & when it rained hard again, I decided to stop at Bukit Timah road. Derek continued on.
Rain quit again & I tried to cycle home alone but then my back tyre popped & deflated.
Taxi took me straight me to Rodalink to fix what must be my 4th flat in 3 weeks.
I just found my back tyre totally deflated. Again. It'll be 5th flat in as many weeks.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Trying times
Combination of being jobless unexpectedly long, hot sweltering weather then getting drenched in pouring rain, deciding to cycle and discovering your back tyre's totally flat & the feel of Lent...
Patience, patience, patience, ooommmmm
Patience, patience, patience, ooommmmm
Bad ears
I had gotten off the boat 5 days ago, my ears unfortunately have yet to realize that. Snap back to normalcy will you, my left ear drum? Annoyed!
You know, I've always thought diving in the longer run isn't too great on your body. All that pressure and nitrogen build up can't be too healthy. Hmm...
You know, I've always thought diving in the longer run isn't too great on your body. All that pressure and nitrogen build up can't be too healthy. Hmm...
Monday, March 14, 2011
Diving Similan Islands on the MV Black Manta
I've heard of the Similans years ago and about manta ray encounters. So really I've been looking forward to this dive trip for a long while.
Similans on Black Manta was a really good trip. I correct myself, the best dive I've ever had. That dive where there was an octopus at my feet, changing colors and then I choose to abandon it because the manta ray was about to swoop over my head again. Video of Octopus Yes, it just circled us in huge circles over and over again. The entire dive, all 45 mins. We were warned to approach the manta, to let it come to you & it did, over and over again, for all of the 45mins. Awesome! While it was not my first sighting of manta ray, it is the closest and best view I've ever gotten (possibly, ever will get again!).
The next day, we got our leopard shark sighting, it was almost 2m long. I had enough time to squeeze at least 4 or 5 shots before some idiot came in too close and scared it off.
After that, our greed quotient went up & we were hankering for whale shark sighting. But no, we were already very blessed.
Last dive of the trip was a scary experience for me. Visibility was perhaps 5m max - it was murky. I descended with everyone, got to 18m, at Boonsung Wreck, near Koh Bon. By the wreck, I glimpse a huge puffer and squeezed off 2 shots. In that 3secs, I lost sight of everyone. I had mentally taken a directional bearing before I stopped but I guessed the group moved forward away from the wreck towards sandy bottom. In any case, I saw no bubbles & no one save for me beside the wreck. I freaked. Made for the surface without safety stop. Sheer panic. Fortunately for me it was a quiet dive spot, no other boats around and I popped up right by the side of our boat. The boat crew saw me, threw me a line and hauled me in. Mental note to self - 1. stay close to group when vis is bad, no fish photo is worth the panic! And 2. I need to start noting direction using the compass, be prepared to navigate myself back if necessary.
The only negative I had of the trip was the quality of the dive guides. Dive guide lost me twice. The earlier time I infiltrated another group, and somewhere in between, found the group back myself. On another dusk dive where we emerged in the dark, I had freaked out during safety stop when Philip didn't show up. Tak Gee using hand signals said Philip had gone up by the mooring line. Dive guide didn't care or notice someone's missing. Terrible. We had complained but it still happened.
Rest of Similans LOB dive photos here
Video done up by Tak Gee (compliation of all our photos including mine)
Video using a HD videocam by Wing from HK
Everything else was perfect. From the weather to the really fantastic Thai crew. They were incredibly considerate, they'd even stick your fins on for you! The kitchen crew and cook are fantastic! The food was sooooo good! Every single meal was great and we ate 5 meals a day, from my normal 2 meals a day!
Similans on Black Manta was a really good trip. I correct myself, the best dive I've ever had. That dive where there was an octopus at my feet, changing colors and then I choose to abandon it because the manta ray was about to swoop over my head again. Video of Octopus
The next day, we got our leopard shark sighting, it was almost 2m long. I had enough time to squeeze at least 4 or 5 shots before some idiot came in too close and scared it off.
After that, our greed quotient went up & we were hankering for whale shark sighting. But no, we were already very blessed.
Last dive of the trip was a scary experience for me. Visibility was perhaps 5m max - it was murky. I descended with everyone, got to 18m, at Boonsung Wreck, near Koh Bon. By the wreck, I glimpse a huge puffer and squeezed off 2 shots. In that 3secs, I lost sight of everyone. I had mentally taken a directional bearing before I stopped but I guessed the group moved forward away from the wreck towards sandy bottom. In any case, I saw no bubbles & no one save for me beside the wreck. I freaked. Made for the surface without safety stop. Sheer panic. Fortunately for me it was a quiet dive spot, no other boats around and I popped up right by the side of our boat. The boat crew saw me, threw me a line and hauled me in. Mental note to self - 1. stay close to group when vis is bad, no fish photo is worth the panic! And 2. I need to start noting direction using the compass, be prepared to navigate myself back if necessary.
The only negative I had of the trip was the quality of the dive guides. Dive guide lost me twice. The earlier time I infiltrated another group, and somewhere in between, found the group back myself. On another dusk dive where we emerged in the dark, I had freaked out during safety stop when Philip didn't show up. Tak Gee using hand signals said Philip had gone up by the mooring line. Dive guide didn't care or notice someone's missing. Terrible. We had complained but it still happened.
Rest of Similans LOB dive photos here
Video done up by Tak Gee (compliation of all our photos including mine)
Video using a HD videocam by Wing from HK
Everything else was perfect. From the weather to the really fantastic Thai crew. They were incredibly considerate, they'd even stick your fins on for you! The kitchen crew and cook are fantastic! The food was sooooo good! Every single meal was great and we ate 5 meals a day, from my normal 2 meals a day!
There'll be a new boat, called the new White Manta. Bigger and the cabins will be above water surface so no funny smells. Starts in a few months and it'll sail to Layang Layang! Hammerhead sharks! Tempting...
Monday, March 07, 2011
Excuse me, are you a runner - part 2
So last year some kaypo asked if I were a runner while I was in the Motorola pantry.
Last week while in the airport bus leaving Japan, these 2 women asked if I was also in Japan for the Tokyo Marathon. Well... I must look the part right?!! *beam*
Apparently cos I was wearing running shoes. Hmmm.
Last week while in the airport bus leaving Japan, these 2 women asked if I was also in Japan for the Tokyo Marathon. Well... I must look the part right?!! *beam*
Apparently cos I was wearing running shoes. Hmmm.
Sunday, March 06, 2011
OCBC Cycle 2011 - the night after
I should've taken the cue when Derek gestured at some clearly neophyte cyclists & said "beware these kinds".
Spent the 40km race, zig-zagging, yelling communications warnings "on your right, RIGHT!!!", a whole lot of start/stops - including a total standstill for an ambulance to get in. Saw quite a few spills this race - my guess caused by those weaving neophyte cyclists doing 10km/hr.
The last 10km became easier, smoother most likely because I had cleared most of those weaving, right lane hogging lousy cyclists doing 10km/hr. Of cos by then I started to tire a little valiantly attempting to hold 30km/hr speeds...
In the past, before a triathlon, I used to strip out every extra component on the bike that added weight - bags, lights, everything off. Speed was everything. Old habits die hard, I stripped my bag but kept my lights on for safety while cycling to/from event. Now on hindsight, I should've just kept everything on - OCBC did not feel like a race at all!
Spent the 40km race, zig-zagging, yelling communications warnings "on your right, RIGHT!!!", a whole lot of start/stops - including a total standstill for an ambulance to get in. Saw quite a few spills this race - my guess caused by those weaving neophyte cyclists doing 10km/hr.
The last 10km became easier, smoother most likely because I had cleared most of those weaving, right lane hogging lousy cyclists doing 10km/hr. Of cos by then I started to tire a little valiantly attempting to hold 30km/hr speeds...
In the past, before a triathlon, I used to strip out every extra component on the bike that added weight - bags, lights, everything off. Speed was everything. Old habits die hard, I stripped my bag but kept my lights on for safety while cycling to/from event. Now on hindsight, I should've just kept everything on - OCBC did not feel like a race at all!
My first ever cycling medal (single discipline ie)...
Oh and parking was a royal pain! Arranged with Derek to meet in front of Singapore Swimming Club but due to road blocks, he wasn't able to get there & parked elsewhere. My woes began trying to get to his new venue, plus my unfamiliarity with that area. Got lost again for almost an hour attempting to return to the car. Mental note to self - park in an area you are familiar with.
Ode to a dog
There never was a furrier dog
Or a fighter that lived life-long.
I ne'er believe in heaven for dogs
But maybe some special fur balls ought!
Jesus could use a foot warmer,
Or a cheerful rug that also licketh
Cheer up Zi :)
Or a fighter that lived life-long.
I ne'er believe in heaven for dogs
But maybe some special fur balls ought!
Jesus could use a foot warmer,
Or a cheerful rug that also licketh
Cheer up Zi :)
Saturday, March 05, 2011
OCBC Cycle 2011 - the night before
I dare say this is my first cycling (single discipline) race ever.
So I am a little excited.
Will drive over to Singapore Swimming Club to rendezvous with Derek & Melvin, we'll then all cycle over to the starting line at the Grand Prix F2 pits.
My bike is tagged, race transponder tied to my tyre fork, helmut marked with my race number & I've just pinned my race number onto my cycling jersey.
I am no. 5170 :)
Bring it on!
So I am a little excited.
Will drive over to Singapore Swimming Club to rendezvous with Derek & Melvin, we'll then all cycle over to the starting line at the Grand Prix F2 pits.
My bike is tagged, race transponder tied to my tyre fork, helmut marked with my race number & I've just pinned my race number onto my cycling jersey.
I am no. 5170 :)
Bring it on!
This is great!
So usually it's only in Aug that you get all all red, white & patriotic.
But seriously, this song leaves a lump in my throat, probably from being away for too long.
But seriously, this song leaves a lump in my throat, probably from being away for too long.
Sudah jadi ta-ide, sudah loopa...
"Sudah jadi ta-ide, sudah loopa".
My mom said that to me yesterday. In peranakan malay, translated loosely, means after you've eaten and digested, you forget.
It happened cos I wanted mom to cook bubur-hitam and she said she just bought me that dessert a couple of weeks ago. It was when I couldn't recall that, was when she said "sudah jadi ta-ide, sudah loopa", essentially her meaning was, you are an ingrate, you forget cos you've already eaten & digested.
And that's how I feel about Moo. You take & never once thought of anyone else but yourself. Cycling past me that night when my bike's chain fell off, that is not cool. But it reinforces who you are. Walking away in times of trouble, that just ain't cool.
My mom said that to me yesterday. In peranakan malay, translated loosely, means after you've eaten and digested, you forget.
It happened cos I wanted mom to cook bubur-hitam and she said she just bought me that dessert a couple of weeks ago. It was when I couldn't recall that, was when she said "sudah jadi ta-ide, sudah loopa", essentially her meaning was, you are an ingrate, you forget cos you've already eaten & digested.
And that's how I feel about Moo. You take & never once thought of anyone else but yourself. Cycling past me that night when my bike's chain fell off, that is not cool. But it reinforces who you are. Walking away in times of trouble, that just ain't cool.
Friday, March 04, 2011
I am NOT happy! To cope, I watched Grey's Anatomy season 7 episodes 1 to 10, took a break in Japan (I was happIER there, distracted with being a tourist), returned home to promptly watch the remaining 6 episodes at a go.
Yes, I watched until 4:15am this morning.
And yes, I am still depressed, in fact, worse because I woke up late and missed midday mass with Quek I Gek after I PROMISED her I'll be there with her. This is not going well....
Here, I'll friggin list it out :
- I have no job, no man in my life, no sense of purpose, no own home
- Z just broke up with a great guy, about to not have a job, and her pet of 17+ yrs died last night
- A has 6 weeks til HP throws him out the door, he has 2 kids & a wife. Just like that, unceremoniously pulling the rug out from under your feet. I hate what HP has become, souless & mecernary. WTF.
- J is under so much stress, no thanks to a lousy boss, and all the pressures of getting herself to wedding bells in church
Someone give me some good news, I'll settle for anything at this point!
Actually, I've gotten worse at this point. I just realized I have no more episodes of Grey's Anatomy to watch & it's my only therapy since I am not running according to my marathon training plan & not working out & generally just a slug at home (my mom's home to be specific). ARGGH.
Kill me now.
Yes, I watched until 4:15am this morning.
And yes, I am still depressed, in fact, worse because I woke up late and missed midday mass with Quek I Gek after I PROMISED her I'll be there with her. This is not going well....
Here, I'll friggin list it out :
- I have no job, no man in my life, no sense of purpose, no own home
- Z just broke up with a great guy, about to not have a job, and her pet of 17+ yrs died last night
- A has 6 weeks til HP throws him out the door, he has 2 kids & a wife. Just like that, unceremoniously pulling the rug out from under your feet. I hate what HP has become, souless & mecernary. WTF.
- J is under so much stress, no thanks to a lousy boss, and all the pressures of getting herself to wedding bells in church
Someone give me some good news, I'll settle for anything at this point!
Actually, I've gotten worse at this point. I just realized I have no more episodes of Grey's Anatomy to watch & it's my only therapy since I am not running according to my marathon training plan & not working out & generally just a slug at home (my mom's home to be specific). ARGGH.
Kill me now.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Blessed are the poor in spirit
First sister Lily says this to me, and then I got one of those Christian emails yesterday & it was again on 'the poor in spirit'.
I googled it and Catholic Encyclopaedia says,
The word poor seems to represent an Aramaic 'ányâ (Hebrew 'anî), bent down, afflicted, miserable, poor; while meek is rather a synonym from the same root, 'ánwan (Hebrew 'ánaw), bending oneself down, humble, meek, gentle. Some scholars would attach to the former word also the sense of humility; others think of "beggars before God" humbly acknowledging their need of Divine help. But the opposition of "rich" (Luke 6:24) points especially to the common and obvious meaning, which, however, ought not to be confined to economical need and distress, but may comprehend the whole of the painful condition of the poor: their low estate, their social dependence, their defenceless exposure to injustice from the rich and the mighty. Besides the Lord's blessing, the promise of the heavenly kingdom is not bestowed on the actual external condition of such poverty. The blessed ones are the poor "in spirit", who by their free will are ready to bear for God's sake this painful and humble condition, even though at present they be actually rich and happy; while on the other hand, the really poor man may fall short of this poverty "in spirit".
So it's an attitude you adopt, where you lean heavily on God for your needs.
I googled it and Catholic Encyclopaedia says,
The word poor seems to represent an Aramaic 'ányâ (Hebrew 'anî), bent down, afflicted, miserable, poor; while meek is rather a synonym from the same root, 'ánwan (Hebrew 'ánaw), bending oneself down, humble, meek, gentle. Some scholars would attach to the former word also the sense of humility; others think of "beggars before God" humbly acknowledging their need of Divine help. But the opposition of "rich" (Luke 6:24) points especially to the common and obvious meaning, which, however, ought not to be confined to economical need and distress, but may comprehend the whole of the painful condition of the poor: their low estate, their social dependence, their defenceless exposure to injustice from the rich and the mighty. Besides the Lord's blessing, the promise of the heavenly kingdom is not bestowed on the actual external condition of such poverty. The blessed ones are the poor "in spirit", who by their free will are ready to bear for God's sake this painful and humble condition, even though at present they be actually rich and happy; while on the other hand, the really poor man may fall short of this poverty "in spirit".
So it's an attitude you adopt, where you lean heavily on God for your needs.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
March is going to be a great month yet
Feb 24 to Mar 1 - Japan trip
Mar 9 to 14 - LOB diving in the Similans
In discussion with mom for Mar 22 to 26 - Taiwan again.
I think I might just love this month!
Mar 9 to 14 - LOB diving in the Similans
In discussion with mom for Mar 22 to 26 - Taiwan again.
I think I might just love this month!
Japan - my maiden voyage
I had fun visiting Japan.
All the other 300+ pictures here.
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