Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On life & death

Yz saved an old man's life when his motorcycle died on ECP's fast lane.  She valiantly waited, shielding him with her car while he tried to restart the engine.  It couldn't restart.  Thankfully 2 cops came by on motorcycles and they took over.  Who knows how many lives she saved that night by preventing a horrible accident from happening considering how it was late, on the fast lane, downslope & on a curve.  Worse, the failed motorcycle had no lights at all!

On death.  I murdered a baby lizard.  Stepped on it in the dark on my way to the bathroom last night. 

O the frailities of life.  The only certainties are death & taxes.  Depressing, I know...

1 comment:

Zi said...

and poop. though e state of it may vary - solid, liquid.. gas?