Saturday, March 05, 2011

Sudah jadi ta-ide, sudah loopa...

"Sudah jadi ta-ide, sudah loopa".

My mom said that to me yesterday.  In peranakan malay, translated loosely, means after you've eaten and digested, you forget.

It happened cos I wanted mom to cook bubur-hitam and she said she just bought me that dessert a couple of weeks ago. It was when I couldn't recall that, was when she said "sudah jadi ta-ide, sudah loopa", essentially her meaning was, you are an ingrate, you forget cos you've already eaten & digested.

And that's how I feel about Moo. You take & never once thought of anyone else but yourself. Cycling past me that night when my bike's chain fell off, that is not cool. But it reinforces who you are. Walking away in times of trouble, that just ain't cool.

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