Friday, March 04, 2011


I am NOT happy!  To cope, I watched Grey's Anatomy season 7 episodes 1 to 10, took a break in Japan (I was happIER there, distracted with being a tourist), returned home to promptly watch the remaining 6 episodes at a go.

Yes, I watched until 4:15am this morning.

And yes, I am still depressed, in fact, worse because I woke up late and missed midday mass with Quek I Gek after I PROMISED her I'll be there with her.  This is not going well....

Here, I'll friggin list it out :
- I have no job, no man in my life, no sense of purpose, no own home
- Z just broke up with a great guy, about to not have a job, and her pet of 17+ yrs died last night
- A has 6 weeks til HP throws him out the door, he has 2 kids & a wife.  Just like that, unceremoniously pulling the rug out from under your feet.  I hate what HP has become, souless & mecernary.  WTF.
- J is under so much stress, no thanks to a lousy boss, and all the pressures of getting herself to wedding bells in church

Someone give me some good news, I'll settle for anything at this point!

Actually, I've gotten worse at this point.  I just realized I have no more episodes of Grey's Anatomy to watch & it's my only therapy since I am not running according to my marathon training plan & not working out & generally just a slug at home (my mom's home to be specific).   ARGGH.

Kill me now.

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