Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Little things that we take for granted

A new colleague saw my FB update one evening when I checked into Novena church, came to ask me if I could do her a favour and buy her a book.  Apparently she was told that the bookstore at Novena sells Henri Nouwen books rather cheaply.  She wanted the Return of the Prodigal Son.

I recall reading it years ago, but nontheless, I bought her the book over a lunch time mass one day.  It was all of $5 and I gave it to her as a gift - thinking nothing further of it.

She came gushing to me a couple of days later about what a fantastic read it was and how much it related to her, leaving her in tears as she read it.

A few days on, she asked for a second book, Inner Voice of Love, also from Henri Nouwen.

I got it for her today, $7 this time.  She was so happy to receive it and started gushing about how she found an iPhone app for daily reading/meditation from a Catholic source.  She's amazed that all Catholics the world over (all 1.18 billion of us) read the same daily readings.  Note - she's a Christian who attends the same church as a couple of my good friends.

Just hit me how I take it all for granted, the resources I have at my fingertips : well stocked bookshops with good books at really affordable pricing & a church that prays universally together every day.

While at Novena bookstore, I also bought Matty a book on New Testament children's stories.  Now I can read to the little hyper kiddo.  Unfortuately his book cost $26 :)