Sunday, June 19, 2011

No excuse living

I've always espoused living life without excuses.

Let's say running. Other than with Hon (my ex bf), I've always been a solo runner. Occasionally people run with me, Kuansie while still in HP, Viv on a few occasions last year. It's nice sometimes, but then you compromise your own pace or gameplan. The lack of a run buddy is no excuse - just chalk it down to tiredness or plain laziness.  Really no excuses.

Or the familiar, no time. We all have 24 hours regardless if you're a CEO or a manual worker. It all boils down to time management and your priorities.

Or religion. People stop attending church because the sermon's no good, or the pastor was rude to you or cell group wasn't welcoming.  These are really excuses - change churches if you must, but keep going!

Today, I'm glad I have a run buddy in Peter. Simply cos it gets me out of bed at 6am to run 12km. At this rate, the Army Half Marathon will be a breeze :)

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