Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend of furniture oogling

 Note the choice of words, oogling.  I remember a few years ago when I accompanied I&M on a few furniture store visits as they were preparing to move into their new house, utterly horrified at the type of prices they were talking about.  I figured, yuppies with expensive tastes.  Now, I understand.  A decent dining table is perhaps $2000.  Yes!  At least something that won't be collapsing and requiring a re-purchase in 2 years.  Dining chairs.  Chairs... pfffttt, you think right?  Maybe $20-50 a piece?  Try $300-400 a piece.  *faint*  Bringing up this conversation to I&M is all about 'I told you so!'.  So maybe the yuppies' idea of Italian tables and chairs for the same price as Malaysian made ones - all of which aren't cheap incidentally, is good after all.

I think I have dining table down.  Chairs is a problem as I would like it to match the sofa, while not costing me an arm and a leg at the same time.  So should it be plastic (very in today), leather or, upholstery (softest on my butts)?

And I need 5 chairs.  Because Matty is going to need a seat too.  He's growing so fast, so boy looking now eh?

I have been looking around over weekends.  So it's a good start.  Even though the Great Singapore Sale has not yet begun, everyone is doing pre-GSS sales.  Good for me, I can start browsing early.  There's so much to acquire.  And I can't wait.

I signed up for the Newton 30km run this morning after I found out the starting point is East Coast Park.  Hey, by October, I'll be walking to the start line!  Thank you God!

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